The Truth About Why 70 Million Americans Have Gut Diseases And How You Can Easily Eliminate Bloating, Stomach Pain & Constipation...
If you or a loved one is suffering from a weak digestive system, or you want to protect yourself from a weaker immune system and toxic exposure we are encountering today... I urge you to read till the very end.

Hi! This is Laura Lindsey and in this short video, which is definitely not safe for work and which will not be up for long...
...I'm going to obliterate all the silly myths you've heard about why powerful, pleasurable, and optimal digestion without medication or chemicals is not possible even if you ate bad for decades, or if you are past your 40's, 50's and 60's...
...reveal the secret real reason your digestive tract gives you issues now...
...I'm going to obliterate all the silly myths you've heard about why powerful, pleasurable, and optimal digestion without medication or chemicals is not possible even if you ate bad for decades, or if you are past your 40's, 50's and 60's...
...reveal the secret real reason your digestive tract gives you issues now...
...and will show you how to quickly and easily transform even the worst digestive symptoms -- like GERD, acid reflux and burning in the upper stomach when you eat... chronic constipation, or diarrhea... chronic bloating and gas -- into a pleasurable, energizing and invigorating experience. Even while eating your favorite foods.
How suddenly you can go through the entire day without any gassiness, uncomfortable bloating...
How you find yourself able to eliminate regularly, like clockwork, effortlessly, without pain, without constantly stressing if you are close enough to a restroom...
And how you even find relief from arthritis, aches and pains... mental focus and well-being you haven't felt in years.
I'm going to teach you the secret in just a second.
But before I do, I need to talk about the big medical lie that's keeping you, your family or friend from living a life free from any and all digestive problems right NOW.
And I think you'll see why I feel a duty to share it with you.
What's the big LIE that's keeping you from having optimum digestion without medication... without fear of when the next "stomach episode" will occur... and with the freedom to enjoy food you love without pain?
The big lie is that digestive problems like
And how you even find relief from arthritis, aches and pains... mental focus and well-being you haven't felt in years.
I'm going to teach you the secret in just a second.
But before I do, I need to talk about the big medical lie that's keeping you, your family or friend from living a life free from any and all digestive problems right NOW.
And I think you'll see why I feel a duty to share it with you.
What's the big LIE that's keeping you from having optimum digestion without medication... without fear of when the next "stomach episode" will occur... and with the freedom to enjoy food you love without pain?
The big lie is that digestive problems like

are a normal part of getting older... and can only be treated with drugs and surgery.
And that a natural cure does NOT exist.
And I'm going to prove to you in just a minute, how wrong that is.
The TRUTH is... a natural, inexpensive, non-chemical cure does in fact exist.
And MOST digestive problems people have today are EASY to heal.
Sometimes as fast as a few minutes.
Sometimes it will take a night or two.
And for some a week.
And that a natural cure does NOT exist.
And I'm going to prove to you in just a minute, how wrong that is.
The TRUTH is... a natural, inexpensive, non-chemical cure does in fact exist.
And MOST digestive problems people have today are EASY to heal.
Sometimes as fast as a few minutes.
Sometimes it will take a night or two.
And for some a week.
But one thing remains the same... they are all FREE. Free from pain and discomfort. Free from worry
But not only that, they can't believe how simple the solution was.
And how inexpensive it was.
You just need to know what they are.
And anyone can do this for themselves, naturally and easily without any side effects.
Let me explain.
Like I said, I'm Laura Lindsey.
I'm the director of Holistic Health Labs. A clinical nutritionist and have over 20 years in the natural health field.
Through my research and clinic, I've been helping people learn natural ways to prevent and HEAL the most frustrating health conditions we face today.
But ONE health issue, I discovered, was more important than all others. And that was digestion.
If you're like most people I've helped cure digestive issues for over the years, you probably followed a variation of one of these stories:
But when I tell you these stories, please note: there are some graphic images. Just bear with me, we are after all, talking digestion right? Then we'll get into the answers you've been looking for.
A recent client named Jill came to me for help and told me her story.
A year and a half ago, she began to be concerned about her significant memory loss, severe exhaustion and increase in digestion problems symptoms.
And how inexpensive it was.
You just need to know what they are.
And anyone can do this for themselves, naturally and easily without any side effects.
Let me explain.
Like I said, I'm Laura Lindsey.
I'm the director of Holistic Health Labs. A clinical nutritionist and have over 20 years in the natural health field.
Through my research and clinic, I've been helping people learn natural ways to prevent and HEAL the most frustrating health conditions we face today.
But ONE health issue, I discovered, was more important than all others. And that was digestion.
If you're like most people I've helped cure digestive issues for over the years, you probably followed a variation of one of these stories:
But when I tell you these stories, please note: there are some graphic images. Just bear with me, we are after all, talking digestion right? Then we'll get into the answers you've been looking for.
A recent client named Jill came to me for help and told me her story.
A year and a half ago, she began to be concerned about her significant memory loss, severe exhaustion and increase in digestion problems symptoms.
She said she had had stomach issues most her adult life, but they were either diagnosed as "lactose intolerant", or "stress related".
Although she didn't want to, she went to see a doctor.
The doctor told her, she "might" be diabetic, or that she may be "just depressed".
He had her blood drawn and called her and said, "Your blood test shows everything is fine."
Although she didn't want to, she went to see a doctor.
The doctor told her, she "might" be diabetic, or that she may be "just depressed".
He had her blood drawn and called her and said, "Your blood test shows everything is fine."

"It's probably a mental issue or an emotional issue. I can recommend a psychiatrist to you"
"No thank you!" she said.
She then went to a homeopath.
She was told to go on a gluten-free diet but wasn't given any testing for gluten intolerance. She felt better for a month, but then spiraled downwards fast.
She then went to a homeopath.
She was told to go on a gluten-free diet but wasn't given any testing for gluten intolerance. She felt better for a month, but then spiraled downwards fast.
Her homeopath tests came back and told her the problem was "food intolerances". She tried to follow her advice but it just didn't work.
She went to another doctor.
He ran more blood tests. He said it sounded like she might have lupus. After taking test after test for lupus, she was told they were all inconclusive. And none of the tests showed anything wrong with her stomach.
She went to another doctor.
He ran more blood tests. He said it sounded like she might have lupus. After taking test after test for lupus, she was told they were all inconclusive. And none of the tests showed anything wrong with her stomach.

Until she came to me she was like a cat chasing her tail. Now, ALL her symptoms are GONE. No more pain, no more misdiagnosis. No more goose-chases.

Then there's the story of John, which is less severe.
And it was causing serious problems for his job. He never knew what he would have to deal with next.
Either he's suddenly feel like he had bricks in his gut because he was constipated again, or if he needed to stay close to a bathroom because of a sudden attack of diarrhea.
Or when he would next break into a cold sweat, while in a meeting with a dozen people while his gut churned like a vat of toxic waste.
And it was causing serious problems for his job. He never knew what he would have to deal with next.
Either he's suddenly feel like he had bricks in his gut because he was constipated again, or if he needed to stay close to a bathroom because of a sudden attack of diarrhea.
Or when he would next break into a cold sweat, while in a meeting with a dozen people while his gut churned like a vat of toxic waste.
He bought Pepto Bismol in bulk.
But when he read about the ingredients online, he wanted desperately to stop using it. But he didn't know what else to do.
Now, he's completely rid of ALL his digestive issue. And also told me he has more focus and energy than he ever has.
And there is the tragic case of Lorraine.
But when he read about the ingredients online, he wanted desperately to stop using it. But he didn't know what else to do.
Now, he's completely rid of ALL his digestive issue. And also told me he has more focus and energy than he ever has.
And there is the tragic case of Lorraine.
She had digestive problems for as long as she remembered. But she thought, that was normal. So she just coped with one medication after another. She didn't know those digestion problems would eventually catch up to her.
One day, out of the blue, she was hit with intense stabbing pain in her abdomen.
She was rushed to the emergency room.
They said they had to operate right away.
One day, out of the blue, she was hit with intense stabbing pain in her abdomen.
She was rushed to the emergency room.
They said they had to operate right away.

She was horrified as they told her they had to cut a piece of colon out...
...cut a hole in her abdomen and attach the opening of her colon to the hole so she could eliminate!
...cut a hole in her abdomen and attach the opening of her colon to the hole so she could eliminate!

But she had no choice. If they didn't operate now, she could go into toxic shock. And then into a coma.
Later she learned, this was how it would be the rest of her life. She had to have a bag attached to the side of her torso to collect her waste matter.
As you can imagine she was completely humiliated and mo
Unfortunately for her, she came to me too late. And I could not help her.
Later she learned, this was how it would be the rest of her life. She had to have a bag attached to the side of her torso to collect her waste matter.
As you can imagine she was completely humiliated and mo
Unfortunately for her, she came to me too late. And I could not help her.
I've talked to dozens of clients about this and over and over again, and it's some version of the same story
And for every one person who tells me their story, I know there are thousands of you out there who are agonizing the same fate or... people on a roller-coaster ride slowly inching up to the highest point, they are inching their way toward a catastrophic crisis like Lorraine.
That's what scares me the most -- how many people are just letting it go. Not doing something about it because they've been fed the false belief that "it's just normal" or it's "part of getting old".
Now for the big question you've probably asked yourself again and again, while you or someone you care about is clutching their stomach in pain:
Is there a better way?
Why does it seem that every solution to a digestion problems have to involve a pill, a chalky liquid or a diet that makes it impossible to have a social life?
And then there's the even bigger question...
...why do some people, and even entire cultures, seem to be immune and completely free from the digestive problems we are dealing with? people on a roller-coaster ride slowly inching up to the highest point, they are inching their way toward a catastrophic crisis like Lorraine.
That's what scares me the most -- how many people are just letting it go. Not doing something about it because they've been fed the false belief that "it's just normal" or it's "part of getting old".
Now for the big question you've probably asked yourself again and again, while you or someone you care about is clutching their stomach in pain:
Is there a better way?
Why does it seem that every solution to a digestion problems have to involve a pill, a chalky liquid or a diet that makes it impossible to have a social life?
And then there's the even bigger question...
...why do some people, and even entire cultures, seem to be immune and completely free from the digestive problems we are dealing with?
They seem to live full, energetic and even athletic lives. Even into their 60's and 70's.
While the rest of us feel like we're doomed.
Shockingly, a Nobel Prize winning scientist discovered that virtually ALL digestive problems we are experiencing today are caused by only ONE thing.
This might be a shock to you.
While the rest of us feel like we're doomed.
Shockingly, a Nobel Prize winning scientist discovered that virtually ALL digestive problems we are experiencing today are caused by only ONE thing.
This might be a shock to you.

But he discovered that they are caused by long-term internal poisoning.
The most shocking part, was that it was a poison created by our own bodies.
The most shocking part, was that it was a poison created by our own bodies.

His name was Elle Metchnikoff.
And it was in 1907 that he made a profound discovery about our digestive tract that would pave the way for attaining optimum digestion and freedom from digestive torture.
You see, at the time, Metchnikoff was trying to find out why people in Bulgaria and certain parts of Russia were living so long and with such low rates of disease.
In the process of that study, he discovered that in our large intestine,
And it was in 1907 that he made a profound discovery about our digestive tract that would pave the way for attaining optimum digestion and freedom from digestive torture.
You see, at the time, Metchnikoff was trying to find out why people in Bulgaria and certain parts of Russia were living so long and with such low rates of disease.
In the process of that study, he discovered that in our large intestine,
there are two kinds of naturally occurring bacteria. There is a good form of bacteria and is essential for optimum health.
But there is another kind of bacteria that is basically a living yeast parasite.
This yeast parasite is usually small in number -- about 20%. And under normal conditions, they are harmless.
The most common strain of this living yeast parasite is called Candida.
But there is another kind of bacteria that is basically a living yeast parasite.
This yeast parasite is usually small in number -- about 20%. And under normal conditions, they are harmless.
The most common strain of this living yeast parasite is called Candida.
Metchnikoff observed that candida secreted a slew of toxic substances. All of which make your body and your organs weak.
One of the major toxins produced by Candida is called "acetaldehyde". Sounds scary right? For now, let's call it "candida poison".
Normally, your body will metabolize this without any problem
But when your candida multiplies out of control, this candida poison floods our bodies.
Our liver becomes over-saturated and the "candida poison" spreads into our bloodstream.
Normally, your body will metabolize this without any problem
But when your candida multiplies out of control, this candida poison floods our bodies.
Our liver becomes over-saturated and the "candida poison" spreads into our bloodstream.

Remember, this "candida poison" weakens your bodies organs
The first to go is your colon -- also known as the large intestine. This is a muscle. And it is a muscle that... well... you know... helps you "eliminate". Well, when it gets weak, the muscles stop working. And you get constipated.
For others, candida overgrowth creates a breeding ground in the colon for other parasites that cause cramps and diarrhea.
For others, candida overgrowth creates a breeding ground in the colon for other parasites that cause cramps and diarrhea.

But not only that, as you are about to see, and as if it wasn't bad enough that candida caused a host of painful and uncomfortable digestive problems...
It also causes many OTHER debilitating health issues, -- issues that people are being medicated for This "candida poison" creates two chronic vitamin deficiencies.
First, it burns up a vitamin called Thiamine -- also known as vitamin B1. It's a vitamin that is critical for brain and nerve function.
It also causes many OTHER debilitating health issues, -- issues that people are being medicated for This "candida poison" creates two chronic vitamin deficiencies.
First, it burns up a vitamin called Thiamine -- also known as vitamin B1. It's a vitamin that is critical for brain and nerve function.
It's also essential for producing a brain chemical called "acetylcholine".
It's the brain chemical that gives you the ability to concentrate and remember things. When you can't produce this brain chemical, you experience things like:
• Impaired memory
• Decreased ability to concentrate (" brain fog")
• Depression
• Slowed reflexes
• Lethargy and apathy
• Heightened irritability
• Decreased mental energy
• Increased anxiety and panic
• Decreased sensory acuity
• Increased tendency to alcohol and sugar
• Decreased sex drive
• Increased PMS and breast swelling/ tenderness in women
It's the brain chemical that gives you the ability to concentrate and remember things. When you can't produce this brain chemical, you experience things like:
• Impaired memory
• Decreased ability to concentrate (" brain fog")
• Depression
• Slowed reflexes
• Lethargy and apathy
• Heightened irritability
• Decreased mental energy
• Increased anxiety and panic
• Decreased sensory acuity
• Increased tendency to alcohol and sugar
• Decreased sex drive
• Increased PMS and breast swelling/ tenderness in women
Any of those sound familiar? And here you thought it was just because of getting older.
But, not only that, candida overgrowth causes a host of mental and emotional disorders.
You see, In addition to burning up all your vitamin B1, it also depletes another vitamin called Niacin -- also known as vitamin B3. Niacin is key to helping the cells burn fat and sugar for energy.
But, not only that, candida overgrowth causes a host of mental and emotional disorders.
You see, In addition to burning up all your vitamin B1, it also depletes another vitamin called Niacin -- also known as vitamin B3. Niacin is key to helping the cells burn fat and sugar for energy.

And it also NEEDED to produce SEROTONIN. And I think we all know what that is. It's the "feel good" brain chemical.
When serotonin drops, you feel depressed. You have a lack of motivation to do things. You have no sex drive and for men, you can even experience erectile dysfunction.
When serotonin drops, you feel depressed. You have a lack of motivation to do things. You have no sex drive and for men, you can even experience erectile dysfunction.

And you start to crave SUGAR.
And that brings me to my the next important point. Candida is a form of yeast. And I don't know if you know, but yeast feeds off sugar.
Yeast is put into breads. And when sugar is added to the bread, that's what makes the bread rise.
The sugar causes the yeast to release gasses. Specifically, it releases, of all things, CARBON DIOXIDE!
And that brings me to my the next important point. Candida is a form of yeast. And I don't know if you know, but yeast feeds off sugar.
Yeast is put into breads. And when sugar is added to the bread, that's what makes the bread rise.
The sugar causes the yeast to release gasses. Specifically, it releases, of all things, CARBON DIOXIDE!
That's what comes out of your car exhaust!
You see, when the yeast in bread dough secretes these gasses, the dough appears to rise.
You see, when the yeast in bread dough secretes these gasses, the dough appears to rise.

What it really is, is the yeast gasses creating bubbles in the dough. That's why when you look at a slice of bread, you will see all these empty pockets.
The candida in your body is no different. When it get's it's grubby hands on sugar, it releases CARBON DIOXIDE GAS.
And that's what the Nobel Prize winner Metchnikoff meant when he said we are being poisoned.
Also, these gasses are what make your stomach bloat!
And it's also what gives you that tired and horrible bloated feeling after each meal.
What's more, now that the candida in your body has been fed, it MULTIPLIES.
And then your cravings for sugar increase. Then the cycle starts all over again.
The candida in your body is no different. When it get's it's grubby hands on sugar, it releases CARBON DIOXIDE GAS.
And that's what the Nobel Prize winner Metchnikoff meant when he said we are being poisoned.
Also, these gasses are what make your stomach bloat!
And it's also what gives you that tired and horrible bloated feeling after each meal.
What's more, now that the candida in your body has been fed, it MULTIPLIES.
And then your cravings for sugar increase. Then the cycle starts all over again.

This is what I call the "Candida Cycle Of DOOM"

Truth be told, I can go on and on with ALL the health issues candida and it's toxic byproducts cause that are in addition to digestive problems.
Things like blood sugar imbalances, fat storage that doesn't respond to diet and exercise, hormone imbalances, chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein-Barr, to name a few.
But what Metchnikoff discovered back in 1907 still holds true. The one thing that is guaranteed to keep candida in check is having enough GOOD bacteria in the gut.
Things like blood sugar imbalances, fat storage that doesn't respond to diet and exercise, hormone imbalances, chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein-Barr, to name a few.
But what Metchnikoff discovered back in 1907 still holds true. The one thing that is guaranteed to keep candida in check is having enough GOOD bacteria in the gut.
And that was where he made the connection between Bulgarians living very long and these beneficial bacteria.
Bulgarians ate and drank a large amount of a certain type of fermented milk and this fermented milk contained a strain of beneficial bacteria. And because they drank lots of it, they always had a high amount of these good bacteria in their gut. That kept the candida well under control. And they saw low illness rates and very long lifespans.
So the solution is not about eradicating candida completely. The solution is to keep a positive balance of the good bacteria and the candida.
Bulgarians ate and drank a large amount of a certain type of fermented milk and this fermented milk contained a strain of beneficial bacteria. And because they drank lots of it, they always had a high amount of these good bacteria in their gut. That kept the candida well under control. And they saw low illness rates and very long lifespans.
So the solution is not about eradicating candida completely. The solution is to keep a positive balance of the good bacteria and the candida.

When candida is out of control, it's like a seesaw is tilted off to one side. And that is what opens the doorway to chronic digestive problems that last for years.
Get the balance back, and that doorway is shut. Your tummy feels amazing, you eliminate constipation, bloating, indigestion, acid reflux, and everything like it, forever.
Get the balance back, and that doorway is shut. Your tummy feels amazing, you eliminate constipation, bloating, indigestion, acid reflux, and everything like it, forever.

That was when he realized the key to a full, healthy and thriving life of health was based on these good bacteria. In fact, he even gave them a name. He called them PROBIOTICS.

he word probiotics simply means a microscopic organism that is beneficial.
So what's the problem?
Well, fast forward to 1945.
Antibiotcs were invented and were being used by the population at large. It was a medical miracle. Antibiotics rapidly killed harmful bacteria and saved millions of lives.
So what's the problem?
Well, fast forward to 1945.
Antibiotcs were invented and were being used by the population at large. It was a medical miracle. Antibiotics rapidly killed harmful bacteria and saved millions of lives.
You most likely have taken antibiotics in your lifetime. It's now a common part of everyday life.
But what people don't know, is that antibiotics didn't just kill harmful bacteria. They also kill good bacteria, the probiotics, in the gut.
The kind Metchnikoff discovered kept candida in check.
As a result, after taking antibiotics, and killing off all the good bacteria, candida yeast overgrowth began occurring everywhere.
If candida was a fire, antibiotics would be like gasoline.
Women started suffering vaginal yeast infections more than ever before.
Record numbers of thrush, fungal infections, vaginal yeast infections and skin lesions also started occurring because of the candida overgrowth.
But what people don't know, is that antibiotics didn't just kill harmful bacteria. They also kill good bacteria, the probiotics, in the gut.
The kind Metchnikoff discovered kept candida in check.
As a result, after taking antibiotics, and killing off all the good bacteria, candida yeast overgrowth began occurring everywhere.
If candida was a fire, antibiotics would be like gasoline.
Women started suffering vaginal yeast infections more than ever before.
Record numbers of thrush, fungal infections, vaginal yeast infections and skin lesions also started occurring because of the candida overgrowth.
Dr. David Perlmutter, a personal adviser to Dr. Oz, who you may know from the show, and his current New York Times bestseller "Grain Brain", talked about candida and stated:
"Those of us who deal with this [candida overgrowth] in a clinical setting, are witnessing what now seems almost epidemic." - Dr. David Perlmutter.
Candida has also been linked to many studies showing it could be the number one cause of obesity, as doctors, Caroline Dean and William Crooke, write in their 2005 book, "The Yeast Connection In Women's Health".
"Those of us who deal with this [candida overgrowth] in a clinical setting, are witnessing what now seems almost epidemic." - Dr. David Perlmutter.
Candida has also been linked to many studies showing it could be the number one cause of obesity, as doctors, Caroline Dean and William Crooke, write in their 2005 book, "The Yeast Connection In Women's Health".

Most women don't have even an inkling that their symptoms could be caused by yeast overgrowth in their bodies.

"The number of women suffering in silence not even knowing what is really wrong and blaming themselves for failing is I believe literally numbered in the millions. Millions of women who can't lose weight and have no idea why.
"The same holds true for men, once the excess yeast is destroyed, many find they are able to lose the unwanted weight quickly and easily, even that stubborn belly fat, most diet plans can't touch."
And According to an article in the journal Science, "Candida is the most common human systemic pathogen, causing both mucosal and systemic infections, particularly in immunocompromised people."
Today more people are on medication for depression and anxiety than ever before.
"The same holds true for men, once the excess yeast is destroyed, many find they are able to lose the unwanted weight quickly and easily, even that stubborn belly fat, most diet plans can't touch."
And According to an article in the journal Science, "Candida is the most common human systemic pathogen, causing both mucosal and systemic infections, particularly in immunocompromised people."
Today more people are on medication for depression and anxiety than ever before.
There are more antacids, laxatives and digestive medications sold in the US than any other country. And sales for these medications keep going up year after year.
Despite the studies that show the glaring connection between candida overgrowth and all these health issues, Western medicine does NOT recognize candida overgrowth as a health condition.
Don't be surprised if you take this information to your doctor and he or she dismisses it or tells you that you are crazy.
With antibiotics, hormone replacement drugs, birth control pills, and steroid drugs accounting for millions of dollars in prescriptions written each year...
...doctors are going to be the last ones to acknowledge that the drugs they so freely prescribe are actually creating the problem and that intestinal candidiasis even exists.
Despite the studies that show the glaring connection between candida overgrowth and all these health issues, Western medicine does NOT recognize candida overgrowth as a health condition.
Don't be surprised if you take this information to your doctor and he or she dismisses it or tells you that you are crazy.
With antibiotics, hormone replacement drugs, birth control pills, and steroid drugs accounting for millions of dollars in prescriptions written each year...
...doctors are going to be the last ones to acknowledge that the drugs they so freely prescribe are actually creating the problem and that intestinal candidiasis even exists.
So, now that we know what the problem is, let's get into the solutions
The good news is that you don't have to eliminate all candida. You just need to get it back into balance again.
We just need that 80-20 balance again.
So here are 3 things you can do to start getting your digestion in tip top shape, get "regular" again and eliminate any digestive issues you might have.
Now, the THIRD piece of advice is THE most important one and will do more than ALL the other tips combined.
So please make sure you watch that tip.
So by now, you already know that sugar in any form feeds candida.
So it goes without saying, that you want to cut your sugar intake down as much as possible.
I know! I know! That's not what you want to hear more of. But when you hear the last tip you'll see that you may not have to cut back that much. So stay tuned.
One of the ways to cutback on sugar is to use the new natural sugar substitutes that exist in the market place.
We just need that 80-20 balance again.
So here are 3 things you can do to start getting your digestion in tip top shape, get "regular" again and eliminate any digestive issues you might have.
Now, the THIRD piece of advice is THE most important one and will do more than ALL the other tips combined.
So please make sure you watch that tip.
So by now, you already know that sugar in any form feeds candida.
So it goes without saying, that you want to cut your sugar intake down as much as possible.
I know! I know! That's not what you want to hear more of. But when you hear the last tip you'll see that you may not have to cut back that much. So stay tuned.
One of the ways to cutback on sugar is to use the new natural sugar substitutes that exist in the market place.

One of them is stevia.
You can get it in a powdered form or as droplets. This is one of the sugar substitutes that are "candida safe".
In a few minutes I will show you how to find all the latest natural and candida safe sugar substitutes on the market today.
Once you get this free report, you'll see, that cutting back on sugar is actually pretty easy.
You can get it in a powdered form or as droplets. This is one of the sugar substitutes that are "candida safe".
In a few minutes I will show you how to find all the latest natural and candida safe sugar substitutes on the market today.
Once you get this free report, you'll see, that cutting back on sugar is actually pretty easy.
Now, before I continue, I want to clarify, when I say natural sugar substitutes, I am NOT referring to artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, Nutrasweet and others like it.
These chemical artificial sweeteners are extremely toxic. Once they mix with the candida in your gut, they spew toxic gas and you will get instant bloating.
So that means, you want to avoid diet sodas.
Diet sodas advertise they are "low calorie" or "sugar free" but contain these toxic artificial sweeteners.
These chemical artificial sweeteners are extremely toxic. Once they mix with the candida in your gut, they spew toxic gas and you will get instant bloating.
So that means, you want to avoid diet sodas.
Diet sodas advertise they are "low calorie" or "sugar free" but contain these toxic artificial sweeteners.

This also includes diet foods and diet products. Yes, I know, it sounds crazy, but diet products advertise "low calorie" and "low sugar" but to make it taste better, they put artificial sweeteners in them.
So if you're wondering, "Have diet foods been causing us to have bloating, stubborn weight gain, constipation and all these digestion problems?"
The answer is YES.
But I don't want you to worry. That last tip I'm going to give you will make defeating candida easy.
In the report I'll will be giving you, absolutely free, you will know what natural sugar substitutes to look for, and what artificial sweeteners to avoid like the plague.
The truth is, people feel fantastic when they cut back their sugar intake. And sugar is something that has proven to accelerate the aging process as well.
So cutting back is actually a really enjoyable thing, once you start getting all the energy, get your flat stomach back, eliminate bloating and gas after eating, and even see your skin and hair start to look younger, firmer and healthier.
So if you're wondering, "Have diet foods been causing us to have bloating, stubborn weight gain, constipation and all these digestion problems?"
The answer is YES.
But I don't want you to worry. That last tip I'm going to give you will make defeating candida easy.
In the report I'll will be giving you, absolutely free, you will know what natural sugar substitutes to look for, and what artificial sweeteners to avoid like the plague.
The truth is, people feel fantastic when they cut back their sugar intake. And sugar is something that has proven to accelerate the aging process as well.
So cutting back is actually a really enjoyable thing, once you start getting all the energy, get your flat stomach back, eliminate bloating and gas after eating, and even see your skin and hair start to look younger, firmer and healthier.
Now, let's get into what you can do to increase good bacteria and reduce candida
You can do what the Bulgarians that Metchnikoff was studying did -- eat fermented foods that contain beneficial bacterial strains. Foods like...

These are a few examples of these foods.
All these foods contain the good bacteria your gut needs to rebalance your candida overgrowth, and many cultures with extremely low rates of disease have eaten these foods as part of their culture for years. They are only now becoming more well-known in the US. But only in certain circles.
You want to avoid probiotic-rich foods that are dairy based though. Foods like Kefir, buttermilk and yoghurt. We have found this to be very hit and miss. Those with an intolerance to lactose or dairy will feel horrible if they eat these.
So that's why I wanted to make sure you knew about all the other types of foods you can eat that are rich in these beneficial bacteria to start turning that seesaw back into balance again.
In just a few minutes I'll be showing you how to get a list of these foods, where to buy them, nd also how to make them at home! So keep watching.
So that's what leads me to the last and most powerful tip. Well, I don't even want to call it a tip because it is actually so important and will create the most dramatic results for you.
And that's to take a high quality probiotic supplement.
Probiotics are just another name for the good bacteria. This is the easiest way to be directly in control of how much good bacteria you have in your digestive tract.
And the best part, you can experience instant relief. A high quality probiotic will do that for you.
If you have already tried a probiotic, and didn't find any result, I will explain why in just a minute.
But I assure you, IF the probiotic supplement you are taking is a good one, you cannot help but notice the changes.
If you've had trouble losing weight in the past it could be because the Candida have clogged up your digestive tract, which can greatly slow down your metabolism.
You'll also notice those carb and sugar cravings fade away. Remember, candida lowers serotonin and that dramatically increases sugar cravings.
You actually find yourself craving good healthy foods that make you look and feel 10 years younger.
The people around you will remark and ask what you've been doing because your skin begins to glow, lines reduce, and generally begins to get tighter.
All these foods contain the good bacteria your gut needs to rebalance your candida overgrowth, and many cultures with extremely low rates of disease have eaten these foods as part of their culture for years. They are only now becoming more well-known in the US. But only in certain circles.
You want to avoid probiotic-rich foods that are dairy based though. Foods like Kefir, buttermilk and yoghurt. We have found this to be very hit and miss. Those with an intolerance to lactose or dairy will feel horrible if they eat these.
So that's why I wanted to make sure you knew about all the other types of foods you can eat that are rich in these beneficial bacteria to start turning that seesaw back into balance again.
In just a few minutes I'll be showing you how to get a list of these foods, where to buy them, nd also how to make them at home! So keep watching.
So that's what leads me to the last and most powerful tip. Well, I don't even want to call it a tip because it is actually so important and will create the most dramatic results for you.
And that's to take a high quality probiotic supplement.
Probiotics are just another name for the good bacteria. This is the easiest way to be directly in control of how much good bacteria you have in your digestive tract.
And the best part, you can experience instant relief. A high quality probiotic will do that for you.
If you have already tried a probiotic, and didn't find any result, I will explain why in just a minute.
But I assure you, IF the probiotic supplement you are taking is a good one, you cannot help but notice the changes.
If you've had trouble losing weight in the past it could be because the Candida have clogged up your digestive tract, which can greatly slow down your metabolism.
You'll also notice those carb and sugar cravings fade away. Remember, candida lowers serotonin and that dramatically increases sugar cravings.
You actually find yourself craving good healthy foods that make you look and feel 10 years younger.
The people around you will remark and ask what you've been doing because your skin begins to glow, lines reduce, and generally begins to get tighter.

Dr. Allan Walker, Professor of Nutrition in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, recently stated:
"Evidence from clinical research demonstrates that adding good bacteria to the diet promotes a healthy digestive and immune system. This makes your disease-fighting ability stronger, so you get sick less often." In the 2001 study, children from Day Care Centers in Helsinki, Finland, were given milk with and without probiotics.
Those who drank the probiotic enhanced milk were 17% less likely to get a respiratory infection and 16% less likely to call in sick because of illness. Harvard Medical School has also recently gone on record to proclaim probiotics' effectiveness at preventing vaginal yeast infections, as well as antibiotic-induced diarrhea.
Dr. Michael F. Roizen, New York Times best-selling author and Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic, recently said:
"Taking probiotics is a habit that can really benefit the digestive system, which is intricately connected to our overall health. Many also find weight begins to fall off, since your gut processes food more efficiently".
All in all, your digestive tract contains 60% of the cells in your body
So it's no surprise that strengthening it up can end up making you feel like a whole new person.
What I want to do now is share with you the 5 things to look for in a good probiotic supplement so you can begin transforming your life.
If you are missing one or more of these 5 requirements, you will only use 2 - 10% of the supplement. That means 90 - 98% of what you spend your money on will go in the trash. Or... in the toilet.
Even if you are using a probiotic and getting some results, if it doesn't have all these criteria, you are wasting money.
Just as a warning, the last criteria is absolutely crucial. You can have all the other criteria and still waste your money if it doesn't have the last criteria.
Here's the first thing you want to make sure your probiotic supplement has:
What I want to do now is share with you the 5 things to look for in a good probiotic supplement so you can begin transforming your life.
If you are missing one or more of these 5 requirements, you will only use 2 - 10% of the supplement. That means 90 - 98% of what you spend your money on will go in the trash. Or... in the toilet.
Even if you are using a probiotic and getting some results, if it doesn't have all these criteria, you are wasting money.
Just as a warning, the last criteria is absolutely crucial. You can have all the other criteria and still waste your money if it doesn't have the last criteria.
Here's the first thing you want to make sure your probiotic supplement has:

Criteria 1:
You want to have at least 20 Billion cultures PER CAPSULE.
Anything less, will be too expensive for you. To get any results you will have to take 2 - 4 times as many capsules to feel ANY change at all.
And here's a little insider's tip. Manufacturers play a trick on you and say "20 Billion Cultures" on the bottle, but when you read the fine print, it says, "Per DAY"! And their recommended dosage is 4 capsules per day.
So you want to watch out for that sneaky trick.
Criteria 2:
You want to have a lot of different strains of good bacteria. You don't want to rely only on one or two strains. Most low quality probiotics you will find, have at most 4 different strains.
Dr. David Perlmutter, who in his book Grain Brain recommends that everyone should take probiotics, also says:
"Get your probiotics through a supplement that offers a variety of strains, at least ten, including lactobacillus acidophilus and bifido bacterium, and contains at least 10 billion active bacteria per capsule."
You see, there are different kinds of good bacteria and each does something unique to improve your digestion and your health. If you use a probiotic supplement, and it doesn't have the strain YOU need, you will have wasted your money.
Also some strains are made from dairy. And if you are lactose intolerant, it can make you feel awful and even cause sharp pain in your stomach.
Criteria 3:
It needs to be vegetarian and dairy free. That means it should use vegetarian capsules, and all the strains should be dairy free as well.
Criteria 4:
Don't buy tablets. Buy capsules.

A capsule contains the probiotics in a powder form. When the capsule disintegrates, the powder will be released and work it's magic.
But if you get a tablet, you really just waste your money. First of all, the tablet, requires "binders" to create the tablet.The binders are what hold the tablet together. That means most of what you are consuming is just filler material.
Second, it will start to dissolve right away. This is not good because you want the probiotics to be released ONLY in the large intestine.
That means it has to travel a long distance before it does any good. A tablet will start releasing the probiotics too early and it will not be used at all.
That brings me to the next criteria of the ideal probiotic supplement.
Criteria 5:
The probiotic supplement needs to have a way of bypassing the stomach acids without being released.
Here's what I mean: when you eat food, it goes from your mouth, to your stomach, then to your small intestine and finally to your large intestine.

It is all the way in the large intestine that the probiotic is needed.
But your stomach creates a strong acid called hydrochloric acid.
If this hydrochloric acid comes in contact with the probiotics, it will destroy it. So the capsule needs to protect the probiotic powder all the way past the stomach so that it can get into the large intestine.
But your stomach creates a strong acid called hydrochloric acid.
If this hydrochloric acid comes in contact with the probiotics, it will destroy it. So the capsule needs to protect the probiotic powder all the way past the stomach so that it can get into the large intestine.
Here at Holistic Health Labs we set out to create such a probiotic formula that meets all these requirements and more.
It is vegetarian and dairy free.
It contains 25 Billion cultures -- 5 billion more than the requirement.
It contains 12 different strains. None of which will affect someone who is lactose intolerant.
It is in a capsule form.
And most importantly the capsules use a special "acid-stable" technology that protects the probiotics from stomach acid.
In fact, here is a picture of our capsule in a petri dish with hydrochloric acid. And another capsule in another dish with hydrochloric acid. You can see ours is resisting the acid and the other is starting to melt.
30 minutes later, you can see it is still intact. While the other has completely dissolved.
Here is a picture we took when we cut open the capsule AFTER 30 minutes in the hydrochloric solution. As you can see it is still dry.
This is, bar none, the most effective, probiotic supplement on the market to-date. And we've just shown you why.
And this is also why cheaper, and lower quality probiotic supplements end up producing little to no results. They open up in the stomach. And the hydrochloric acid in the stomach destroys most, if not ALL, the probiotics.
Our goal was to develop the most effective probiotic solution.
One that would quickly and efficiently destroy the candida overgrowth and prevent it from ever coming back.
Hundreds of hours of testing and over 20 variations later, we were able to create a probiotic supplement that passes all 5 tests.
We call it "ProbioShield".
It is vegetarian and dairy free.
It contains 25 Billion cultures -- 5 billion more than the requirement.
It contains 12 different strains. None of which will affect someone who is lactose intolerant.
It is in a capsule form.
And most importantly the capsules use a special "acid-stable" technology that protects the probiotics from stomach acid.
In fact, here is a picture of our capsule in a petri dish with hydrochloric acid. And another capsule in another dish with hydrochloric acid. You can see ours is resisting the acid and the other is starting to melt.

30 minutes later, you can see it is still intact. While the other has completely dissolved.
Here is a picture we took when we cut open the capsule AFTER 30 minutes in the hydrochloric solution. As you can see it is still dry.
This is, bar none, the most effective, probiotic supplement on the market to-date. And we've just shown you why.
And this is also why cheaper, and lower quality probiotic supplements end up producing little to no results. They open up in the stomach. And the hydrochloric acid in the stomach destroys most, if not ALL, the probiotics.
Our goal was to develop the most effective probiotic solution.
One that would quickly and efficiently destroy the candida overgrowth and prevent it from ever coming back.
Hundreds of hours of testing and over 20 variations later, we were able to create a probiotic supplement that passes all 5 tests.
We call it "ProbioShield".